We believe we were created by God to live through God and for God. The reason we exist is to worship God. It is not only our calling and duty but also our joy and delight! Knowing God means living for Him and through Him so as to reflect His glory. This is what makes us truly human.
The central Person of our faith and life is Jesus Christ. He is the Son of God who reconciled us to His Father to be our Father. We are His children for all eternity.
The central tenet of our faith is that we are justified (put right with God) through faith in Jesus Christ alone. Our works cannot earn favor with God because of our sins. It is not our work but the work of Jesus Christ. We are saved by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone.
The basis for our faith is the Bible, God’s Word – inerrant and infallible. It has exactly what we need to know for an abundant life here and a glorious hereafter.
We believe that through Christ, the Father has adopted us into His family, and makes us members of His church, the body of Christ. We are formed into a fellowship, a spiritual community. We are one body, many members with various gifts working together with God through His Spirit to bring all the members to Christ-like maturity, and as many as He calls to servant-leadership.
God is working throughout the world and we are part of it! God has blessed our church to partner with many Gospel workers in different parts of the world. The Word of His Son, Jesus Christ is sounding forth. We believe this is an important part of our obedience to Jesus Christ as He gave command. “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations!” (Matt 28:18-20) It is also a great source of our joy to hear and see how others are discovering the Pearl of Great Price!